August 20, 2011

The PHysiology of Your Body’s pH Level - The Key To Disease Prevention

HealthWise is a monthly column written by my mother. She writes these health conscious articles for her community HOA newspaper and I will be posting them once a month. If you would like to contact her about any of the articles, please see her email address below. If you would like to add supplements to your diet, please contact me for more information. Thank you for reading!
By Pamela Wise

A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings........Hippocrates, 460 BC

The term “pH”stands for “potential for hydrogen” as it measures the number of hydrogen ions in a standard volume of liquid. Hydrogen helps transport oxygen to the cells. The pH scale spans from 0 (extreme acidity) to 14 (extreme alkalinity). If a substance has a pH of 7 it is considered neutral. The human body naturally tries to maintain a slightly alkaline internal state of 7.36, like the sea. Water is considered neutral which makes it absolutely the best thing to drink. Drinking large quantities ofpure filtered water daily keeps the body properly hydrated and helps to neutralize the pH level.

Our acid – alkaline balance is the base determinant of our physical health. Excess acidity in human bodies is very harmful to our health as it affects literally every cell and organ, reducing immune function and increasing inflammation. Even mild acidosis leads to a low oxygen environment and can have a significant impact on your health; a greater shift toward acidity can lead to severe illness. Although our bodies are equipped with mechanisms for neutralizing and eliminating excess acid through our lungs, sweat glands and kidneys as well as withdrawing alkalizing minerals from your bones, a diet loaded with acid forming foods can exceed the body’s ability to cope, much like trying to bail water out of a leaky boat. This process leaves your body depleted of calcium, magnesium, potassium and other precious minerals. Consuming an over abundance of acid producing foods and beverages create toxins that are absorbed into the bloodstream from the intestines and are carried throughout the cells and organs. The result is an increased risk of a long list of illnesses and diseases including digestive disorders and osteoporosis. Acid is a “breeding ground” for disease, especially cancer. Disease simply cannot survive in an alkaline environment. 
Here is a list of common symptoms and illnesses caused by acidity:
Acne, allergies, arthritis, asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, Crohn’s disease, chronic pain, cysts, depression, (ALL) digestive disorders, diabetes, fatigue, fibromyalgia, gall stones, headaches, herpes, high blood pressure, Hodgkin’s disease, hormone imbalance, hyperactivity, (ALL) infections: bacterial, viral, fungal, yeast; insomnia, irregular heartbeat, kidney stones, learning disabilities (ADD); leukemia, lupus, multiple sclerosis (MS), obesity, osteoporosis, sinus congestion, schizophrenia, tooth decay, tuberculosis, ulcers, urinary tract infection.

The most common nutritional problem is the average American diet which consists primarily of over processed, packaged and junky fast foods laden with chemical additives, preservatives, artificial ingredients and that are VOID of nutrients...ALL of which are extremely acid producing. Many people are regularly taking several kinds of medication or drugs to treat conditions caused by acidosis, most of which are highly acidic and can cause harmful side effects. Fortunately there is a much simpler, healthier lifestyle change you can make by adopting a High Alkaline Diet. It is absolutely the best way to combat an over acidic internal state which will result in the ability to overcome chronic health problems, bringing you back to a natural state of health and..the way your body is meant to be. “Alkaline food” is not determined by whether a food is acidic or alkaline outside your body, it is considered one or the other (in varying degrees) after if has been metabolized. For example, citrus fruits are ‘acid’ foods, but after they are broken down become an alkaline food. Conversely, sugar and milk taste sweet, but turn to acid after digestion. A diet rich in alkalizing foods provides all of the essential nutrients you need, including fat, protein, complex carbohydrates,fiber, vitamins and minerals. TheHigh Alkaline Diet is NOT another “FAD” diet, it is a healthy way to eat for the rest of your life with NO negative consequences, ONLY improved vitality and longevity - a truly beneficial approach to nutrition! Alkaline producing foods have a positive affect on your pH level because they are rich in alkaline minerals, especially calcium, magnesium and potassium. Consuming plenty of alkaline foods and beverages reduces the amount of acid in your blood. The goal is NOT to eliminate all acid forming foods, but to integrate much more alkaline foods. Overall it is best to consume less than 1/3 acid foods. Primarily, fruits and vegetables which have a high water content are the highest in alkaline.

Most importantly, efficient digestion is a crucial factor as to whether your food is metabolized as acid or alkaline. Complete digestion is absolutely necessary for the absorption of nutrients from the intestines into your blood. Proper Food Combining is essential for complete digestion. Foods that require our acid enzymes to digest proteins (hydrochloric acid and pepsin) and alkaline enzymes that digest starchy foods will neutralize each other in the stomach when proteins and starches are eaten at the same time. The result is impaired or incomplete digestion. Any undigested remains can sit there anywhere from 6-14 hours in your stomach as it ferments and putrefies. This is what causes heartburn, acid reflux, bloating, gas, cramps, diarrhea or constipation, also known as “irritable bowel syndrome”. The all too common practice of taking antacids to relieve these symptoms only makes it worse as it neutralizes the enzymes necessary for digestion, exacerbating the condition. Concentrated proteins and starchy foods simply cannot digest efficiently at the same time. Since fruit is mainly made up of water and natural sugars and is equipped with it’s own natural enzymes, it digests quite quickly. When your stomach contains other foods and fruit is eaten on top of that it immediately starts to ferment along with the other undigested food, causing digestive distress and acidosis. Fruit should always be eaten on an empty stomach. Enjoy your fruit 30-40 minutes before other foods or 3 hours after a meal.
Maintaining a healthy slightly alkaline pH level is easy when following the simple rules of Food Combining and referring to the Acid / Alkaline Food Chart.

It is also a good idea to test your pH level several times each day, so you can make adjustments to compensate for acidity.The easiest most convenient way to check your level is to test your urine. You can find litmus paper strips on a roll from Jimbo’s, Henry’s and most pharmacies. One quick, effective way to balance your pH is to take Potassium and Magnesium in capsule form up to twice a day. You will notice how much better you will feel once you start the High Alkaline Diet YOUR BODY WILL THANK YOU !

For a complete color coded Acid / Alkaline food Chart and a complete detailed list of Food Combining, or more information contact: 
(this was a previous article written but wanted to share), Next: Sickening Sweet, The Truth about Sugar  
To Your Health, Pamela

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