June 30, 2011

Solutions - Books and Websites for Your Natural Parenting Ways

These are some of my favorite places to find information on natural parenting.  They have been very helpful in my first parenting experience as well as preparing for the one on the way and I hope you enjoy them too!  If you have any questions regarding any of these informational tools, please contact me!


www.attachmentparenting.org  (attachment parenting & more)

www.continuum-concept.org/reading/in-arms.html  (great article about babywearing)

www.llli.org/resources.html (La Leche League)

www.notmilk.com/101.html  (101 Reasons to Breastfeed)

www.askdrsears.com  (Dr.Sears has practical parenting info and medical advice, little bit of everything)

www.mothering.com  (great natural parenting resource/online magazine subscription)

www.kiwimagonline.com  (organic and natural living with our children, mag. subscription)

www.hylands.com (homeopathic remedies for you and your children)

www.nevadabreastfeeds.org (great BF resources!)


(From a baby's first bath to potty training, this book truly covers in all)

(Helps you make informed choices about vaccinations, 
gives the truth about how they are made!)

by Janet Tamaro
(LOVED this book! Funny and informational; perspective from a real mom)

by Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.
(GREAT!! Trusting your instincts first! A must read!)

If you have any books or website you would like to recommend, please let me know 
and I'll add them to my page! Thank you!

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