HealthWise is a monthly column written by my mother. She writes these health conscious articles for her community HOA newspaper and I will be posting them once a month. If you would like to contact her about any of the articles, please see her email address below. If you would like to add supplements to your diet, please contact me for more information. Thank you for reading!
By Pamela Wise
Your digestion is the foundation on which your health is built. Your overall state of health is largely determined by how efficiently your foods are broken down and how well your nutrients are absorbed. When your digestion is not functioning at full capacity, the rest of your body responds adversely by allowing illness and disease to set in. Since 80% of your immune system resides in and is regulated by your gut, maintaining proper assimilation and elimination will keep you healthy, vibrant and distress free.
GI (gastrointestinal) disturbances such as nausea, stomach aches, bloating, belching, heartburn, vomiting or more seriously; acid reflux, GERD ( gastro-esophogial reflux disease),hiatal hernia, gastritis and ulcers are symptoms that occur inside the stomach or small intestine when digestion is disturbed or incomplete. Discomfort that is present in the large intestine and colon such as cramps, diarrhea, constipation, bleeding, irritable bowel syndrome; and more critical disorders like colitis, diverticulitis, Celiac and Crohn’s Disease are also a result of what happens, or doesn’t happen in the stomach and small intestine. No matter who or what your digestive problem is, there are certain proven things you can do to improve your state of health dramatically, effectively and immediately! CAUSES OF DIGESTIVE DISTURBANCE:
#1 One of the main causes of poor digestion is eating improperly combined foods that are impossible to break down simultaneously. When assimilation is impaired, foods are not reduced to a size small enough to be absorbed into the small intestine thus particles continue down into the large intestine where they will rot and form toxins that are absorbed into your blood and lymphatic system. Besides causing much discomfort, this encourages acid waste build up and bacterial growth which becomes a breeding ground for infections and disease. #2 A diet that consists mainly of processed “dead” foods (and beverages) which are high in sugar, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, pesticides and chemicals and low in fiber and nutrients is a stimulus for pathology. These types of “foods” produce an over abundance of harmful bacteria that rapidly multiply, generating a deficiency of necessary beneficial (probiotic) bacteria. Also taking anti-inflammatory drugs, antacids and antibiotics destroy your ‘friendly’ bacteria and compromise your immune system.
#3 Food sensitivities and allergies can cause symptomatic suffering in many ways. Your body’s defense detects certain ‘trigger’ foods as foreign and ‘attack’ them by producing antibodies. Elevated antibodies in the bloodstream initiate auto immune responses and create inflammation in the whole body. The most common allergenic foods are dairy (milk products), wheat or gluten, eggs, corn, soy and peanuts.
#4 Every single function that your body performs relies on enzymes, they are essential. We have only a certain capacity to create enzymes throughout our lifetime. As a result of aging and consuming a lifetime supply of nutrient deficient foods our supply of digestive enzymes diminishes. Trying to digest meals without sufficient enzymes is impossible, therefore proper assimilation and nutrient absorption is not possible and will lead to chronic suffering and debilitation.
#5 Taking antacids and acid reducers do not repair digestive ailments and often times do not alleviate the symptoms for which they were prescribed. Most often they make the problem worse, doing more harm than good. The biological fact is that your stomach NEEDS acid in very specific amounts to to break down certain types of food. If your stomach does not have the right amount of acid from taking antacids it begins to secret more acid to try and complete the process, then gets shut down by the drugs – this cycle can go on for 8 hours or more. The outcome is a stomach full of rotting food that causes gas, bloating and lots of excess stomach acid that slides up into your throat.....yuck!!
#1 Properly combining your meals allows all of your enzymes to work harmoniously and sequentially. Eating proteins with starches creates a ‘conflict’ in your gut as proteins require acidic enzymes and starches need alkaline enzymes to complete digestion, when consumed together the enzymes neutralize each other and digestion comes to a halt. When fruit is eaten with other foods fermentation occurs, a very unhealthy, undesirable result. #2 Eliminating or minimizing processed “dead” foods by adapting to a life style of eating primarily WHOLE foods consisting of 50- 70% fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and whole grains. This also helps to maintain a healthy, slightly alkaline balance in which disease cannot survive. Taking a high quality full spectrum probiotic everyday is a must, it will keep up your ‘friendly’ bacteria supply, helping you avoid and rebound from toxic bacteria overgrowth.(Refer to last month’s article or request a copy for more details).
#3 If you suspect you may be experiencing food sensitivities or allergies, it is recommended that you get a blood test by your doctor. This will accurately pin point any potential problematic substances. If you are unwilling to do that, you can ‘test’ your self by eliminating any suspect foods for one week, then slowly introduce them one by one, recording any unpleasant symptoms you may experience.
#4 Supplementation of digestive enzymes, taking with every meal, is highly advised as they are essential to ensure complete digestion. Raw fruits and vegetables contain their own natural enzymes that are easily digested, therefore, consuming as many of these foods as possible is highly recommended.
#5 Reduce or eliminate your use of digestive drugs – antacids, acid reducers, laxatives, stool softeners, gas reducers and anti-diarrheas. Allow your metabolism to work naturally, in conjunction with following all of the above suggestions, while greatly reducing the risk of adverse side effects these can cause.
Remember, you ARE what you eat, but you need to break down your foods completely in order to gain the most energy, vitality and healthy benefits from them.
To request a copy of last month’s article, obtain reliable resources for supplements, or more information, contact:
Next Month’s Article: “The TRUTH about Natural and Artificial Sweeteners”
Next Month’s Article: “The TRUTH about Natural and Artificial Sweeteners”
*Disclaimer: Information in this article is meant for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace advice provided by your healthcare professional.
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