October 14, 2012

'C' all the Benefits of this Vitamin!

This months Featured Supplement is...

Vitamin C

Vitamin C...we think of it as the "go to" vitamin when we start feeling that bug coming on. But, most people don't realize all the health benefits this wonderful vitamin actually gives us. It helps detoxify our bodies, promotes healing of all of our cells, and allows us to better deal with stress. It also supports the good bacteria in our gut, destroys detrimental bacteria and viruses, neutralizes harmful free radicals, removes heavy metals, protects us from pollution, and much more. Unfortunately, most of us do not get enough of it. It is recommended healthy adults take anywhere from 1,000-4,000 mg a day. 
(As always, please consult a professional before changing your vitamin regiment, especially if you are taking medication or have a health condition) 
Here a few choices that will add to your healthy life style! 
Please click the links to order, or click the DaVinci link above to check out all they have to offer. If you have any questions or concerns or need help deciding what is right for you, please do not hesitate to contact me! 
Peace and Health,

Poten-C 1000mg 
(also comes in lower amounts) 
check out this product sheet)

CHEWABLE C-300 (90)
Chewable C- 300mg
Great for Children!!

FLAVONOID 1000™ (60)
Flavonoid 1,000mg
Helpful in aiding the absorption of Vit. C

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