August 6, 2014

What's for Kids??

This months featured supplement is...

Kid Friendly!

Hello everyone! Can you believe it's August?! Great month to talk about keeping our childrens digestive systems on track; especially with the new school year vastly approaching! 
I have talked about probiotics and digestive enzymes and how beneficial they are for adults but what about when kids are having tummy troubles. Does your little one often get gassy or complain about throw up in the mouth (heartburn or GERD!) or other digestive issues? Have they taken antibiotics more than once this past year?? Do you keep track of how often your child goes to the bathroom (#2)?? Kids probably don't recognize their body's signs and signals like we do, or they just don't know how to express it very well. 
While nutrition plays a huge role in this, your child may also need a little help repairing or restoring the good stuff in their gut. That is where probiotics and digestive enzymes can help! Here is an option that is kid friendly and we personally use in our home. It's chewable, vegetarian, dairy free and contains no added sugars. It's also a great "antacid" for minor heartburn in adults! 
Click the pic below for a product sheet then click the caption or the link above to check out!
 If you would like more info on probiotics and enzymes or finding what is right for you, please feel free to contact me

Mega Probiotic w/ Digestive Enzymes Chewable!
*As always, please consult your health care practitioner before beginning or changing any supplement regiment.

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